Baroquesque Updates!

Summer Break! Finally! Besides some beautiful sunny days out now it is time to get back on track on my blog!
I left a few updates hanging in there. First, without any specific order – just because – let’s go back to the lovely curvy Teal Baroque Personal Filofax:

Can you recognize it? 🙂 Sometimes I try to recognize Filofaxes before reading the reviews/ posts.  Geeking out a bit here.

So it was meant to be my “Happiness Project” binder based on Gretchen Rubin’s book. I ended up not finishing her book. Too many showed up at the same time and I got distracted. heehee

It then became a “me” binder, which I looooove. I took a gazillion of pics of that beauty (as I usually do) but I will try to overload less this time!

Below is the very first tab. It makes me smile every time I see that beautiful “watercolor-like” flower and the sentence on it. That is the main section of the whole binder. I don’t have any calendar on that Filofax but this is the juicy part of it that I always go back to – the journaling pages! They are all pink although maybe I should had gone with the fashion green one:

Well, anyway, already got a bunch of pink sheets.

My plan is to decorate each tab, but I hadn’t find any quotes that I like to fill in all of them. So just the first two ones are personalized so far.
Moving on, next tab is called “notes”(I forgot to take a pic – there is a pretty flower as well) and is very related to the journaling part; highlights of the “big findings about life/ me”. Also in pink pages.

All the other Filofax tabs are not really in use. One of them will be for sure a fold out “vision board” that I am hoping to get around over the summer.

The next fun part are the top tabs.

You may guess that I pulled out the inspiration from GalaDarling’s Filofax post 🙂 There goes from left to right:

  • Note-to-self: like “don’t use turtle neck shirts ever; it makes you feel suffocated and puts you in a bad mood.”
  • Ideas & random thoughts: pretty straight-forward, huh?
  • Movies: yeah, that circle thingy is my attempt to draw those old fashion movie tapes 
  • Music: Another straight forward one. I write down my faves or some suggestions to not miss. BTW, have you heard Coralie Clement’s La Mer Opale? It is sooooo cute! First time I heard it I was in a stationary vintage shop digging in some old (from ’96!) Filofax inserts. I had to ask who was the singer and write down on my Filofax for future reference! ;D
  • Books: loooong list to go over
  • Quotes: as they are everywhere when you least expect!
  • Websites: mostly blogs to go back to and dig some more. I honestly don’t use that tab much as I usually just email myself the link. (I don’t bookmark stuff either. I always forget where they are.)
Now, the very extremely fun part!

Before I discovered Filofaxes I had three separate boxes with cut-out magazine inspirations:

  • Outfits 
  • House deco
  • Gardening tips 

Sooooo as you may imagine, I now have all them combined on my lovely ‘Me-Baroque’ binder. There are the tabs:

Here it goes and it is very straight forward:

My “tan-shoe” quest
Some “to-die-for” deco that I will implement at some point. The socks are easy! ;D
Not good at gardening. I need all the tips I can find. Really. 
Last section is mostly left overs from other Personal set-ups that I just didn’t have the courage to toss out.

Those pages were my “very first” Filofax planning when I got the pink Domino so I kind of feel attached to them. There are a few tabs I made myself, with some planning even for the planners! I wrote  half a sheet for each organizer I was planning on getting so I knew (at least I thought I knew) how to set them up. Most of the ideas I tried back-and-forth. A few of them didn’t work and a few of them are still in use. The blog section moved to another personal.

At the very back I added an old Franklin Covey plastic envelop for things I don’t know where to put; like those coffee shop reward cards that I may or may not use again.

My last pic – I promise – is just “because”. That curly part of is so beautiful!

Overall I must say I LOVE this ‘Me-Baroque’ binder. It is very soft, absurdly flexible and gorgeous on the inside.

The draw back – for those of you determined to get one – is that all it’s beauty, makes it feel sooo delicate to use.
I took it out of the house ONCE and almost didn’t survive! (Hence I almost didn’t survive, the Filofax was totally fine and having fun actually!) I was so nervous that it would scratch, mark, or anything that at the end it went right back on my desk at home and *** it has been living happily there since then. **** 

12 responses

  1. I love it! I'm a big Baroque fan as you know. I especially love your “illustrated” tabs, so cute!

  2. Love! And don't apologize for the photos, I want to see more! 🙂

  3. @Nancy You welcomed! Thanks for stopping by!

    @doris98 Thanks! I am very glad that are some Baroque enthusiasts out there!

    @Kristin you are so nice. I won't stop my pic overload then! 😉

  4. I love it! Especially the little drawings on your tabs and the magazine collages, might have to try those myself. And Baroques are my favourite. Managed to get hold of a black personal one recently and I know what you mean when you say it feels delicate. Still jealous of your green one.

  5. Love love love it~!

  6. That curvy curvaceous leather is beautiful! And the green has an aged copperesque look that I love. But most of all thanks for the Coralie Clements suggestion. She is now listed in my filofax awaiting time and energy to websearch and find. Thanks!

  7. @lancashirecat I recently saw a pink Baroque on Ebay. Sooo tempting but you know…..the dilemma…I don't really NEED another one! 😀 I bravely resisted!

    @Sandra Thank Yooou!

    @Angel Jem That is great you liked my suggestion! Did you have a chance to listen to it yet? let me know what you think! 🙂

  8. Fab tabs – so cute!!!

  9. LOoooooove your tabs 🙂

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